Overseas Mission

St Mary’s has always been mindful of the needs of others, and especially of those living in the developing world. In a time of pandemic we should continue to help where we can and not to lose sight of this important element of our mission.

21st April 2021 Church News

St Mary’s has always been mindful of the needs of those less fortunate than ourselves, especially those living in the developing world. 

It has always been understood that a percentage of the amount collected for the work of the church will be donated to an external charity. Due to the financial restrictions that COVID-19 has placed upon us we were only able to donate £1,000 in 2020. In years past the figure has been greater than this, reflecting our resources and the generosity of our congregation. From 2021 we will be adopting a new approach, details of which can be found in the PCC minutes for January 2021 – but keep watching this space for information on how you might help.

Currently we are supporting the USPG. This is an Anglican worldwide charity established over three hundred years ago which helps to support church community involvement in healthcare and other projects. Specifically we are giving support to projects in Tanzania and South India. For more information on the USPG and for details of their work in these regions and examples of the many kinds of work they are doing you can visit www.uspg.org.uk

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