Life Events

St Mary's has always embraced the townspeople of Barnard Castle. Today, we're here to guide our community through major life events, including baptisms, weddings and funerals.

Baptism during Covid times.


Baptism, sometimes called Christening, is the first step in an amazing journey with God. It happens with parents, god-parents, friends, family and the church. Don't worry if you are a a parent who hasn't been baptised, or you don't come to church, we will welcome your child to be baptised. And its not too late no matter how old you are, we love to baptise adults too.


Churches are special places and there are some things about a church wedding that you just can’t get anywhere else. A church is so much more than simply a venue for your wedding. Unique and special things become part of your marriage, on the day itself and beyond.


Anyone is able to ask a Church of England minister to take a funeral for someone they knew and loved. Neither the person who has died nor the person asking has to be a regular churchgoer. The service can be in church, a crematorium chapel or at a cemetery. We always find it such a privilege to conduct funerals for families and help them in their loss.

Prayers of Love and Faith for same sex couples

Vicars and parishes within the Church of England can decide whether to offer supportive prayers of love and faith for those in committed same sex relationships. Please contact the Vicar if this is something you would wish to discuss.