Children and Families

St Mary's offers opportunities for families with children to celebrate their faith and God's love for them.

Junior Church

St Mary’s is able to offer materials for children’s activities during church services. Books, paper and drawing packs are available on the trolley as you come into church, and activity sheets can be provided for each Sunday’s 10.30am service.

For children attending regularly, we also offer two ‘Junior Church’ sessions each month, held in St Margaret’s Chapel in the North Aisle during the 10.30am Sunday morning service.

Sessions will run on March 10th and 24th, April 7th and 21st, May 5th and 19th, June 9th and 23rd and July 14th

If you are interested in St Mary’s Junior Church or any of our children’s activities, please get in touch:
Contact Kim Harding – 01833-637018 or