
Find out how to join us for services or private prayer

St. Mary’s Barnard Castle

The church is open for private prayer each weekday from 9.00am – 5.00pm. (These arrangements are subject to change in the event of a funeral in church) It is also open from 9.00am – 5.00pm on Saturday.

The new regular pattern of Sunday services is :

  • 8.30am: Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer
  • 10.30am: Common Worship Communion service

At 10.00 am on Wednesday there is Midweek Worship in church.

St Mary's Whorlton

Services are now on the 2nd Sunday at 9.00am and the 4th Sunday at 4.00pm.


If you would like someone to pray with you over the phone you can call us. If we are out, please leave your name and a number on which you can be contacted:

  • Vicar: Revd Canon Alec Harding – 01833 637018


You can pray anywhere

You do not have to be in a church building to be part of the church:

  • Listen out for details of services on TV & Radio and join with others all around the country when they are aired
  • Hunt out prayer resources online (the Church of England Website is a good place to start) and join us in daily prayer